Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Homemade Mek gunz part 4

I've finished building my Mek guns from the ork trukk kit and now I'm gonna paint them up into my army colours.

First I give the model an undercoat of red/brown primer from vallejo...

Then I spray the chassis and armour plates with fire red from vallejo...

I then hand painted the wheels with gw leadbelcher...

I then painted the tractor gunz orbs blue, all the glyphs yellow, and gun barrel bronze. I then gave the whole model a heavy wash of agrax earthshade....

After the model dried I gave the entire model a drybrush of leadbelcher to give the model that worn down look...

That's it for now, I've just got to paint up the gretchin crew and they will be good to go.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Homemade Mek gunz part 3

Here's part 3

So now the tractor gunz...

I'm using the spare bombs from the ork flyer kit to make the main body of the guns

I've shaved of the fins at the back ensuring to keep the bits for later..

I have then taken the prods from the gretchin kit and a Mek head to make the 

I attached the barrels to the body of the guns...

Then trimmed and glued the semicircle piece of plastic from the fin to the chassis as a gun mount....

And the finished article..

With crew..

And that's it, hope you like it please comment if you do....

I will paint it and post that up another day.

Homemade Mek gunz part 2

Part two of my attempt to make my own Mek gunz.

I'm starting by collecting the parts I need out of my bitz box I've got..

Various dakka jet parts

Some lynchguards bodies for the orbs

So let's get started with the gun chassis..

Wheels and axles from the trukk

I glued the wheels and axles together in the standard way ...

Next I sawed the chassis from the truck  into 3 pieces ensuring I kept an axle mount on each piece...

I then cut a boarding plank in half and glued them to the chassis pieces in order to lengthen the two shorter chassis pieces...

I have then glued the armour plates from the trukk to the front of each chassis...

Now on to the guns......

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Home made Mek gunz part 1

The high cost of Mek gunz has put me off but after seeing how good tractor cannons are in game I've decided to build my own.

My plan....

To make my own Mek gunz using a ork trukk kit an 2 gretchin boxes

3 Mek gunz from gw £84
Trukk and 2 boxes of grots £42.50 

So pretty much half price...

The boxes..

The sprues....

As you can see there are loads of nice bits and pieces to make the guns from..