Monday, 5 October 2015

PanOceania auxilla unit

My pan o auxilla unit arrived in the post today and I couldn't resist getting started on them immediately..,

Army painter blue primer then a basecoat  of blue and grey then I gave it a wash of agrax earth shade...

Repainted the raised areas of blue and grey with the original colours 

Highlighted along the raised edges with lighter blue and grey and painted the base...

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Painting operation icestorm, Pan Oceania

Hello again...

I've recently really got into infinity so have decided to paint up the panoceania half of the operation icestorm set. 
Father knight and Orc trooper..

Akalis and nisse...
The 3 fusiliers...

And the whole gang...

I'm pretty happy with the work so far.

I have a few more pan o models on the way so will do some work in progress shots which I forgot this time!